Where is my home

房吢 src=   i woke up in the early morning because of the trip today.

  At the breakfast i asked my husband , “where is my home?” since i moved out of Shanghai and settled down here, i feel like i lost my home.

I’m going to Shanghai but i definitely don’t think it’s still my home, it maybe a place i can live but all my staff are not there anymore ,including my belongings ,my career, my own family etc.

Indonesia, it’s of course not my home, i don’t feel i belong here. Finland? i don’t know, i have been there only few times, no ,it’s not home.

My husband answered me: where i am ,where is your home! maybe this is a correct answer. Home for me is no longer a house ,it’s something you own inside your heart.


Filed under 琐碎二三事

2 responses to “Where is my home

  1. Cowok Jakarta

    I totally agree with you – only that your husband should say that his home is where you are…hehee.

  2. Home is not a place with empty memories,but a place where we can share both the happiness and the tears^^

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